For those who live abroad and plan to return to Lithuania for a short time, we offer high quality and fast dental services. We know that patients who have returned to their homeland for a while only do not have much time, so we can provide them with a treatment according to an exceptional schedule. The advantages of this treatment are:

  • No queues. You can contact us before returning – together we will choose the most convenient time for your visit and we will ensure that you do not need to wait in queues.
  • Operational planning and treatment. Upon Your return and visit to the VOC, our doctors will evaluate condition of Your oral cavity, identify existing problems and diseases and prepare an individual treatment plan immediately. In some cases, this treatment plan can be prepared before Your return and You will have to adjust this plan upon arrival. This ensures not only effective but also fast treatment.
  • Convenient planning for future visits. We will discuss other visits after completing the prescribed treatment plan or a part of it. For example, if you know when you plan to return to Lithuania again we can immediately assign you a future visit. This ensures that during another stay at homeland you will be able to be advised or treated in our Center.