Dental Treatment for Children

The first visit to a dentist is recommended for children of 2-3 years old, followed by a preventive visit at least once every six months. It is a mistake to think that primary dentition treatment for children is unnecessary. During dysfunction of milk dentition, unpleasant sensations in eating and drinking, psychological discomfort among peers occur, and decay of these teeth can affect the development of permanent teeth and jaw.

The most common childhood dental disease is decay, otherwise known as caries. It is caused by inappropriate teeth care and the resulting bacteria. These bacteria can also often cause more serious problems such as periodontitis, inflammation of the gums.

The Vilnius Odontology Center has a cabinet specially designed for youngsters, where they are met not only by a careful team of doctors who work with children, but also by a chair-dragon. The playful chair attracts the child`s eyes and makes him (her) more courageous to visit a dentist. Our specialists will check the child`s teeth, teach them how to care and protect them.
